Tattoo Blog

Art that adorns the flesh…

Judge Me Not.

June 15th, 2009 by

The ban on visible tattoos by a daycare center in Quebec Canada recently took a major hit. It seems that Superior Court judge Jean Bouchard struck down the ruling, originally upheld by a labor arbitrator as within the daycare’s rights. According to Judge Bouchard the ban on visible tattoos “rests on prejudices.”

The furor began when Nadine Belisle, who has a tattoo of a dragon snaking down the back of her right shoulder blade, was asked by her employer CPE La Pirouette, one of Quebec’s publicly funded daycares, demanded that she cover the tattoo. Ms. Belisle and her union challenged the ban as a violation of her civil rights.

Now when things like this happen it is almost a knee jerk reaction to believe that things were settled quickly. Not so. The fight began almost five years ago and ended with the judge’s ruling. Ms. Belisle said that she was thrilled to put the five year conflict behind her. Still she felt that the entire thing was a question of human rights and freedom of expression.

Considering the current trend by employers all over to crack down on visible tattoos perhaps they should take a look at this case. While it won’t have much impact on employers elsewhere, at least it will hold some water in the Great White North.

Now, while I can see banning some tattoos from sight when one has a job that deals with the general public, or children. Some collectors do get carried away, and I really wouldn’t have wanted my children seeing naked girls riding giant penises when they were four year olds. Still I see no reason why images of flowers, dragons, tribal, etc, etc, should have to be hidden from view on the job.

Hell, even the kids show up with temporary tattoos plastered all over themselves. I remember the food coloring tattoos that use to come in bubblegum when I was a tyke. Smeared like crap when you tried to put them on, but damn they were cool! Those tempttoos did more to influence me than the several heavily tattooed bikers and service men that I grew up around did.

While Ms. Belisle and her union are quick to point out that they are not asking for carte blanc when it comes to visible tattoos, they also see no reason for tasteful body art to have to be hidden like a pornographic magazine.

“We’re professionals and want to give a good example to the children. We agree that if a tattoo is sexist, racist or violent it should be camouflaged,” said union president Sylvie Blackburn. “But I don’t see how children are going to be traumatized by a flower on someone’s ankle.”

Neither do I, Sylvie.

The La Pirouette daycare may appeal the ruling.

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