Tattoo Blog

Art that adorns the flesh…

The 4th Stooge

June 29th, 2009 by

West Frankfort, Illinois native Dan “Curly” Summers seems to love three things: 1. The Three Stooges 2. Wrestling 3. Tattoos.  He also probably loves those three things in exactly that order.

How much does Dan love The Three Stooges?  Well, while growing up he claims that every Saturday night at 11pm, regardless of who or what he was doing, he would get home to watch the The Three Stooges television program.  The Stooges were Dan’s life.  Then, after some time Dan decided that he wanted to honor his favorite comic trio by getting some tattoos of them.  But why stop at one?

14-years of tattoo work later and Summers had his body covered with 86 tattoos of varying sizes, all of which, were of the Stooges.  Still eager to show off his love for Moe, Larry and Curly, Summers decided that there was plenty more room on his face and so, Dan “Curly” Summers proceeded to have 13 more Three Stooges tattoos done right on his mug and dome, including an inner lip tattoo which reads “4th Stooge”.

The thing was that after some time, having 13 Three Stooges tattoos on his face got a little bit tiresome. Dan got sick of having Three Stooges tattoos all over his face (go figure) and decided to have them removed.  He even found a doctor in LA who agreed to perform the removal procedures for free, provided Dan allow him to take before and after photographs.  Dan did and wow, I must say that the doctor did a great job.

These days Dan trains to be a pro-wrestler.  His face is tattoo-free, but all the other Stooges tattoos remain, including a particularly massive back piece of Curly’s face.  The spirit of the Stooges seems to be pushing Summers on toward his goal of entertaining people.  He even claims that he’ll be the WWE Champion of the World in 2 years.

I don’t even know what to say.  Check out this video of Summers practicing his wrestling, chatting with reports and mugging the camera with Stooges moves.

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