Name: Jenn Pantuosco
>Age: 25
Occupation: nanny
Newest Tattoo: my backpiece is a work in progress
Favorite Tattoo and Why?: i can’t choose. i love them all for different reasons…my queen of hearts momma on my neck because my husband has the king of hearts on his. my giraffe and both arms because they’re so bright and cute and happy. either my hand or my knee because they’re tattoos of my french bulldog, he’s my dog son and so important to me. i really love how my back is coming along, because it’s just so well done, detailed, and funny.
Tell me a funny story about a tattoo or piercing situation…: I don’t really have any funny stories, except that it’s not even funny how much i hate getting worked on. people always ask me if i “love pain” or am a “glutton for punishment”…and it couldn’t be further from the truth. i hate sitting, but it’s all more than worth it in the end.