Occupation:Hospital administrator, Q103-Radio promotional model,Molsen-Coors/Miller promotional model.
Newest Tattoo:A Marilyn Monroe zombie face on my right thigh. It’s a fix from what it was before!
Favorite Tattoo and Why?: Well I love all of my tattoos and its hard topick but I would say my favorite is the anchor on my right calf that says “GMa GPa.” It’s for my grandparents who are still alive and I got it to honor them for being my anchor in life. I have learned so much from them. They raised me and I owe a lot to them for helping shape me into the person I am!
Tell me a funny story about a tattoo or piercing situation…: hhhmmm a funny storey huh? Well….the funniest thing would probably be when someone came up to me and asked me if I was wearing a fake sleeve tattoo. You know…one of those sleeves you get from the costume store to make it look like you have tattoos. I laughed and said I hope you’re joking…but the guy was totally serious and I had to prove that they were real! Needless to say I have never had anyone ask me that before!! It’s not like it was a costume party!!!