What do over 80 tattoos, Harley Davidson motorcycles, over 1,700 pounds of big tough looking muscle, and a love of animals have in common? If you guessed an outlaw motorcycle club, you guessed wrong. If you guessed a group of tattoo loving tough guys who can’t stand to see animals abused, then you probably already know about Rescue Ink, and their new show on National Geographic premiering this month.
Now, I can’t stand to see animals abused myself. It’s made my blood boil, and gotten me into a few scraps in my time. Still, it’s good to see that I’m not alone in this, as well as discovering a group of stand up guys who feel the same, and aren’t afraid to do something about it.
As group leader Joe Panz states, “If you don’t like us from the way we look, we can’t help that. But, if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem, so stay out of the way.”
Formed a few years ago by eight friends, (now ten), who met at various hot rod and motorcycle events, these tough guys found that they each shared one huge thing in common. A love for animals, and a righteous indignation at seeing them abused. (A problem that seemed to run rampant in NYC.) They then formed Rescue Ink, and the rest, as they say is history.
Simply stated their mission and reason for forming is:
“We met because we were all doing the same thing on our spare time: rescuing and finding homes for abandoned and abused animals. None of us did it for money; we did it because we cannot stand by while anyone mistreats an animal!”
“We will stop at nothing within the bounds of the law to protect animals at risk. We will intercede without hesitation when we are informed of a situation that needs to be addressed, and we will address it. If we need to convince people to do the right thing … we can be very convincing, we’ll even buy animals if that’s what it takes to get them away from abusers.”
If, like me, you can not stand the thought of animal abuse, Rescue Ink has several ways you can make a difference on their website:
Rescue Ink Hotline is manned 24/7:
“ If you know or suspect cases of animal abuse, find abandoned animals, or have animals that you are no longer able to care for, please call the Rescue Ink™ Hotline at
The Puppy Mill Consumer Awareness Program
Companion Outreach Services
The School Visitation Initiative
The Animal Housing Workshop
Rescue Ink™ Animal Advocates
The Pit Bull Awareness Program
Their own volunteer program, and pets for adoption through Pet Finder.com.
Check out the guy’s website for more information, and give their show a look. I know I will.
Peace out, Gang!
Image ©Rescue Ink. Org 2009