If, like me, you like all things tattoo and like the idea of helping out at the same time, then the Ol’ Doc has something that may be right up your ally.
Everyone, I’m sure, remembers the devastation that hurricanes Katrina and Rita caused to New Orleans, but besides the terrible loss in humanity and real estate there was an unseen side to the trouble those two storms caused. Something that most of us rarely think about, but personally, I think we need. The unseen cost was to literacy.
Perhaps the greatest boon to America that Benjamin Franklin created was the public library. The ability to read, and have access to knowledge and the great literary works of mankind are often taken for granted by us. Our public libraries have been a part of our heritage for so long that most of us tend to leave them in the back of our collective memories. Yet they too suffered greatly from those two storms.
Enter The Texas Library Association. As a part of their efforts to help rebuild libraries that are still recovering from the damage without passing the buck off to the taxpayers they have created a 2010 calendar called, “The Tattooed Ladies of TLA.”
That’s right, tattooed librarians. If the thought of a librarian having tattoos is something of a shock to your system, then that alone should show you just how far the beloved art of tattooing has entered into mainstream Americana.
The calendar is an 18 month view fest , starting with January 2010, of the charms and often concealed art of 21 women of the Texas library community. The Tattooed Ladies represent both urban and rural libraries; public, school, academic, and special libraries. You’ll meet seasoned professionals and passionate lay advocates, retired librarians and library school students.
As you can see from these few photos of the models, some of these girls have been hiding some killer ink under that business dress.
So if your sick of those predictable calendars with cute puppies and nature photographs. Your purchase will help secure the future of Texas libraries and allow you to spend 18 months getting better acquainted with these fascinating and dedicated women of Texas libraries. Not to mention you’ll be helping to keep literacy alive and well.
The 40 page calendar, priced at $20, is printed in full color on glossy stock (pages are 8.5 high by 11 wide). That’s less than .50 a page, and I believe you will find it well worth it. Who knows, you could be laying your hands on a future collectible in the world of Tattooing.
Peace out, Gang!