Tattoo Blog

Art that adorns the flesh…


Tattoo Changes Lives

Saturday November 29th, 2014 in Dislike, News, Scratchers, Stories, Tattoo Artists | No Comments »

Good Tattoos Aren’t Cheap

No Class Tattoo in Colorado

Tuesday July 29th, 2014 in Dislike, Health Risks, Scratchers, Stories | No Comments »

Another World

Wednesday July 24th, 2013 in Health Risks, Scratchers, Stories, Video | No Comments »

Push Boundaries

The Rules of the Game?

An Open Letter to Hannah Johnson (AKA The Idiot)

Friday March 15th, 2013 in Dislike, Health Risks, Scratchers, Workforce | No Comments »

Pi$$ed Off

Tuesday October 4th, 2011 in Celebrity, Dislike, Health Risks, News, Scratchers, Stories | 1 Comment »

Is It Working?

Thursday September 1st, 2011 in Health Risks, News, Scratchers, Tattoo Artists, Workforce | No Comments »

It’s Not Always Up to the Artists
